If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’ve got a roof over your head, a non polluted water supply and do not need to dodge death escaping from lions/godzilla etc. every day. In fact chances are you have graduated to the higher ranks of Maslow’s hierachy of needs and maybe even some designer crockery in which to serve your Gordon Ramsay Goat Cheese Salad. So I put it to you that the prehistoric fight or flight reaction called stress which is ultimately for saving you from imminent death is simply not relevant to your modern life.
How to reduce stress from work – work smart
There’s tomes of material on reducing stress, particularly at work, but on a micro level I think it all simply boils down to to what you do with your thoughts. Simply, being more aware of yourself rather than locked in ‘toxic thought’ is all it takes. There’s plenty ways of doing this, but for todays Mr Kirkland blog post, I’d like to explore the idea of working smart, not working hard.
To me, working smart means actively being aware of how you are working and looking for ways you can be more efficient, getting more done with less effort – a total no brainer! Working Smart is an attitude more than a specific technique, all it really takes is to stop regularly and ask yourself “am I working smart here?” For example I try dedicate some of my work time every week to reading up on techniques/practices that will make me more efficient or better at what I do.
In addition to the attitude of working smart, it’s important to identify where you’re not working smart and still working hard.
Tell tales signs of working too hard
- It’s good to work hard, I feel like I’m getting more done.
This is a convincing and difficult habit to break – I almost equate this thought to burying one’s head in the sand. If you’re too busy working and not thinking about how you work, then chances are you’re not as efficient as you could be. Moreover if you motivation is driven by the feeling that you’re getting more done, then you’re not living in reality. Come back to reality, stop, go home early and think about how you could work smarter if you’re working smart then you’ll get twice as much done - If I don’t work hard, someone else/a competitor will move in
Maybe, but if your competitor is working smart then they’ll overtake you regardless of how hard you work. - Thinking about your work outside of the office
Simple, when you’re not at work, you shouldn’t be working. Even if you run your own business, take time out to relax and think of other things, you’ll come back to work fresher with more energy. - Putting off doing your real passions
If you’re not making time everyday to pursue your life passions, start now – don’t put it off. Don’t make the make “having to work” a half arsed excuse for not pursuing your dreams – it’s your life make the most of it now. - I feel stressed but I just want to finish this task
I think this is a classic symptom of working too hard, even though you know you are tired/stressed you get caught up wanting to finish some (usually trivial) task before you stop. If you realise you are stressed, stop immediately, do some breathing exercises, relax until you feel noticebly better – and if you can’t de stress in a few minutes get away from work completely for a while. - Irrational Fear of Lizards
It’s okay, lizards just want to be your friend – meditate, breath and relax.
Okay, I think that’s enough for today – write “I always work smart” on a post it note and stick it onto your forehead. No go out and play.
Agree !!