- Start the day with an important task – do this before you check your email/phone/SNS etc
You’re probably aware of how much time you fritter away swapping between email, work, text message, news etc. I fritter my time away too, however I make a point of starting the day with a focused and ‘important’ task and do this for at least an hour before I even open my email client.
- Regular Breaks every 45 mins
Sure you know this one – concentration/efficiency starts to nose dive the longer you go without a break – doesn’t have to be long, even just a few headstands will do :).
- Work Standing Up
Seems to be plenty of discussion on this subject, and I just started this recently. If you’ve not done martial arts/tai chi then I recommend you learn the tai chi stance – basically relaxed, balanced posture with slightly bent knees (all the time).
- Less multi tasking
I’m not so cool, I find attempting to do multiple tasks at the same time usually results in me achieve multiple inefficienies.
- Finish Early
When I work late (as in past an 7 hour work day) I’m simply wasting my life. I’m less efficient, more prone to making mistakes, causing stress in my body and chances are if I’m not getting my work done in a reasonable time frame then I need to take time off anyway and think about why I’m so inefficient (or setting un realistic goals).
i find slapping my goat helps it produce ‘sweeter’ milk. The slapping can be done before or after opening ones emails etc, it matters not..