Attaining a high ranking in relevant search engine results is an important goal businesses on the Internet.
“Search Engine Optimization” is phrase you’ll probably have heard before, and it refers to the process of ensuring your site has the best chance of achieving good search engine rankings
No Black Magic
While much has been written about the “black art” of SEO, the simple fact remains that for long term results effective SEO is not a case of trickery. Many companies employ such techniques as cloaking, cross site linking, keyword spamming etc. however although they may enjoy temporary success, the search engines are constantly working to remove such artificial results and adjust their algorithms according or even penalize offending site.
Accessibility & Standards Compliance
Mr Kirkland advocates working with the search engines rather than against them, the search engines wish to provide quality accessible results, so our process revolves around doing just that – providing accessible, standards compliant search engine and cache friendly pages.
Along with quality content, this is the only way to ensure long term good search engine rankings.
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