Stumbled accross this nasty little error on a client’s installation of OsCommerce. The problem occurs when a new user is signing up, so this can be a real show stopper and cost sales!
Anyway thankfully I quickly found the solution and the fix is pretty quick and simple
catalog/includes/functions/database.php. Find the line relating to tep_db_insert_id and change it to:
function tep_db_insert_id( $link = 'db_link') {
global $$link;
return mysql_insert_id($$link);
By the looks of the solution, perhaps problem occurs because of a non persistant database connection, or other subsequent queries having run.
You are talking about a problem that is over 2 years old and relates to database configurations more than osCommerce. And you found the solution on that post.
So why the blog post about it. It’s old news.
Wow I didn’t realise it was 2 years old! Anyway it was a serious show stopper last to a clients store last week, so I think it’s helpful to publish the solution here, even if it’s published elsewhere aswell – the more publisised the solution the easier it will be to find especially for newbies who will invariably turn to google as their first port of call.
I think this comment from the forum above was what really encouraged me to post!
I get that nasty error and I inserted this fix…it worked at first, but now I get the error again so I double checked the database.php file and the fix is still there…
any thoughts?