So I’ve recently become aware of some of the SEO boo’s an out of the box wordpress install will inflict on your blog (actually I shouldn’t use inflict, because wordpress is great tool, but I’m using my poetic license :). The key problems are duplicate content and sub optimal page titles. There are probably a […]
Facebook Controversy Interview
Mr Kirkland was recently interviewed by a journalist from Infoworld (IDG) regarding experiences with facebook development, here’s an excerpt from the whole article – those quotes sound a little harsh!!! Facebook attracts developers — and controversy Third-party developers must balance social-networking giant’s generous money-making opportunities with communications and administrative pitfalls By Juan Carlos Perez, IDG […]
Using EC2 and Amazon Webservices for Hosting Facebook Applications
Most webdevelopers are used to steady long term growth with occassional spikes, the kind of stuff you can just about get away with on shared hosting or a basic dedicated server. Facebook development can be a completely different kettle of fish, even relatively small apps can expect thousands of regular users hitting their app every […]
Attention Developers: Facebook Delete Applications Without Warning
UPDATE Mr Kirkland interivew by IDG So after an exciting start with our tracker application reaching 8000 users within 3 days after launch facebook have deleted it without warning. Admittedly we recieved a number of ‘Facebook TOS reports’, but they were all from users that had misunderstood what the application did and were essentially false […]
Viral Facebook Applications Part 2
Okay so the first facebook application realeased by MrKirkland hasn’t quite hit the popularity of Pirates or Zombies, but 10,000 users and almost a million page views in 3 weeks is still not bad in our books. For our second application we thought we’d try something more practical, a “who’s been on my profile” application. […]
How to make a viral facebook application
I admit this title is a bit presumptious, but I can’t help but get excited at the progess so far of the application I just realeased onto facebook. The application is The Sentence Game which is basically a ‘plug in’ to an existing website and since I realesed it (3 days ago at the […]
Facebook Developement
Facebook have opened up their 24 million strong network to 3rd parties with a sturdy development platform which allows one to put applications inside facebook that users can install and interact with. On top of this facebook are giving complete freedom to developers to monetise this opportunity! If you have a new idea or an […]
CSS Internal Error: incomplete URL list
So it took me a while to figure this one out, therefore thought it would be worth posting here… Facebook currently allows only one url type declaration per style block. So if you have multiple url declarations in your style, you get this error. The solution is to simply seperate the url declarations into separate […]
Facebook Developer API
Hire A Facebook Developer Looking to hire a facebook developer, click here for more info. Not exactly hot off the press, but facebook have opened up their site to developers with their ‘platform’ api. This is perhaps a big step forward for social networking. They are letting any developer easily write applications that can poke […]
PHPAccounts Minimum Requirements
PHPAccounts has so far been tested on MySQL and Apache though other configurations may be possible – please report your successes and failures! Required PHP 4.3 or greater MySQL 4 or greater Apache 1.3 or greater Recommended ImageMagick is required for processing of images Ability to run a crontab is required for repeat invoicing and […]