Following on from a previous note about Japanese and code igniter, I just found a Japanese language pack for code igniter on There’s a Japanese turorial and user guide aswell if that takes your fancy.
Domain names in Japan
Not long after the first time I arrived in Tokyo I noticed (amongst a vast array of other wierd and wonderful things) a common trend among the advertisements on the metro, TV and just about anywhere, and that was the ‘search term’ call to action. Although most of the paper adverts will at least list […]
Wikia Search Reviewers Missing the point
Wikia Search having launched into Alpha today has received a number of negative reivews, but I these reviewers are clearly missing the point. I would forgive them for not understanding what an “alpha relase” is, but the apparent tech centricity of their publishing sites does not allow such concession. When I heard Mr Wales speak […]
Adding a user to phpbb3 from an external script
So working on a phpbb2 -> phpbb3 upgrade this weekend and the final part was updating the script to sync my applications user table with phpbb3, so users of my application automatically have an account on the forum with the same credentials. phpbb3 has a new password handling system so it’s not so simple to […]
Facebook Presentation at Tokyo 2.0
Last night I presented my Facebook development experiences to the crowd at Tokyo 2.0. I’m not going to repeat myself as most of the information I presented I’ve already written about in the facebook section, but I’d like to share the presentation data: odp or pdf and mention my references: Fallon Trend Facebook Platform
Japanese charaters in code igniter urls
Code igniter is restrictive over permitted url characters (a good thing!), and it’s simple enough to edit the permitted_uri_config option to add more charaters. However, what if you’re dealing with Japanese charaters in the url? Well (after a little searching) it turns out that this isn’t too difficult to fix as the config value is […]
setting up terminal and vim for japanese on osx
I’d hazzard a guess that there aren’t a great deal of non-japanese vi users on osx who need to work in japanese, but at the very least this will serve as a reminder for myself later on! First up, the most useful resource I found was the following page (thanks to Taku Yamanaka!) If […]
Facebook Apps on EC2 update
I wrote an overview on using ec2 for hosting facebook apps a few months back. I’ve been poking around a little more with EC2 lately and have a couple of items to report back. Facebook ‘hello world’ Public EC2 image I spotted this public ami for getting started with facebook, shipping with: 1. Facebook Client […]
Amazon EC2 as webhosting replacement
So I’m currently researching hosting options for our infrustructure expansion on, we already make heavy use of S3 and so I wanted to look into taking advantage of EC2 aswell. I’m not a complete newbie to EC2 and used it to scale a popular facebook application, which worked well. However more traditional website hosting […]
Wahoo Comment Spam
In my experience comment spam on individual blog/cms (like a wordpress based site) are fairly easy to spot, typically they’ll be riddled with obvious keyword links to viagra, loans, porn etc. Even without some self learning spam detection system, simply blocking comments with more than a couple of links can filter out a lot of […]