Some ex Google bods have taken contextual video to the next level. A number of companies are wrestling with how to “monetise” video content. Google video are inserting supposedly unobtrusive ads within youtube content for instance. Nothing has of yet been truly pull adevrtising as well as contextual until now.
Calif.-based company Ooyala has developed a new interface whereby viewers can click on various images — a car, a necklace, a wristwatch, an actor — within a video to get more information about the specific product or person.
If there is a technology behind this that understands what an object is and then contextually relates it to ads then it is very advanced. Some people have speculated that it utilises RFID technology, other than that it would be a really laborious task studying each frame.
That is pretty amazing stuff. Just imagine what they will have in the future, contextual thinkvertising. A person’s face could be scanned and the computer calculates their expression and displays an advertisement related to the particular mood of the person at that time.